G-HIVE Engaging with Communities, Structures, and Cultures Training

METRO Charity, 1st Floor, Woolwich Equitable House, Gordon Square London SE18 6FH

We all want to get things done and build strong, rewarding relationships. With an increased knowledge of the different factors that prevent effective community engagement and block influence in organisational or partnership settings, this workshop helps you overcome roadblocks.

By utilising influence behaviours and creating robust plans for engagement and influence, we will explore how to capitalise on opportunities, get your ideas heard and tackle difficult conversations. You can be clear and firm without hurting anyone.

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  1. Define and state your influence objective(s)
  2. Better understand issues of equality, diversity and inclusion, with their associated power dynamics that create barriers to engagement
  3. Value plain English as a tool for effective participation and inclusion
  4. Define the structures in society, public bodies and business that provide routes to influence if properly understood
  5. Have insight into your behaviour and that of others around you, to use a range of positive behavioural styles that increase influence regardless of the barriers experienced
  6. Develop a toolkit of ideas for developing strong and rewarding interactions that help achieve your influence goals