LGBT Financial Recognition Scheme

Financial payments are available for LGBT veterans who served in HM Armed Forces between 27 July 1967 and 11 January 2000 and who have been affected by the Ban on LGBT personnel serving in HM Armed Forces.

Experiences of Health and Social Care

NHS and social care staff are doing everything they can to keep us well during these challenging times, but there might be things that can be improved.

Improving Mental Wellbeing in Priority Communities

In collaboration with Be Well (South London Listens) and the Royal Borough of Greenwich, Healthwatch Greenwich will be leading ‘Be Well Support’.

Disability Charities Expect £266m Shortfall Due to NICs and Minimum Wage Rises

Disability charities are set to face an estimated £266m shortfall next year due to increases in employer national insurance contributions (NICs) and minimum wage rates, according to a new survey.

Will the Civil Society Covenant Deliver the ‘Reset’ Charities Need?

Last week, another step towards the hotly anticipated Civil Society Covenant was taken as a consultation with the charity sector closed.

Primary Prevention Should be at the Heart of the NHS Plan

People’s Health Trust is calling for primary prevention to be at the heart of a strategy surrounding the new NHS Ten-Year Plan.