The New Fundraising Code

In conjunction with the launch of the new Fundraising Regulator’s draft code, deputy editor Melissa Moody sat down with Paul Winyard, Head of Policy at the Fundraising Regulator to discuss the changes.

The Energy Saving Trust's Energy Redress Scheme

Charities and community energy groups can apply for a grant through one of four funding streams: the Main Fund, the Small Project Fund, the Innovation Fund, and the Carbon Emission Reduction Fund.

Public Perceptions of Health and Social Care Report

The first Health Foundation report since the new Labour government shows that people feel less negative about the general standard of the NHS, compared to previous years.

The Veteran's Foundation Grant

The Veterans’ Foundation provides grants to eligible organisations that provide assistance to serving and former members of the armed forces community, operational qualified seafarers and their immediate families.

The Woodroffe Benton Foundation Small Grant

The fund will be given to projects encouraging young people, aged 18-25, to engage with the natural environment and to increase their employability skills and/or to increase their physical health or wellbeing.

Need Support Travelling to NHS Services?

Find out what support is available to help you when travelling to your GP, hospital or other NHS services.