G-HIVE Resources Database

Co-Production and Focus Groups

Resources to support the VCSE in co-production through focus groups and other best practices.

New Employment And Tax Guidance For Members Of The Public On Payment For Involvement In Research Health Research Authority | The Health Research Authority (HRA) developed this resource to outline  new pay guidance for members of the public involved in research.

Post-Election Co-Production | Utilize this resource to understand how The Consultation Institute can support co-production following the 2024 election.

Knowledge Hub Focus Group | A resource detailing best practices for running health-related focus groups.

The Consultation Institute: Case Study South Yorkshire ICB | An example of best practice for integration consultations within a clinical setting.

Back to Health Pathway Final Report  | The Back to Health Pathway - How an NHS trust extended volunteering services from the hospital into the community

Integrated Neighbourhood Teams – What Is The Problem Ints Are The Answer For Becky Malby  | This video outlines the importance of Integrated Neighbourhood Teams in engaging with local communities.

SCIE: What is co-production? | The Social Care Institute for Excellence provides this resource.

Health Co-Production Checklist | This co-production checklist aligns with the co-production1 approach based on the principle that those who use health and care services are best placed to help design it.

Q - Virtual Meetings Checklist | This is a checklist produced by the Q Community from The Health Foundation on best practices for running virtual meetings.

Community Engagement Guides

Resources to advise the VCSE on best practices for community engagement.

Engagement Toolkit August 2022  | A 2022 guide produced by the Southeast London Integrated Care System on working with people and communities.

Sharing Good Practice To Reach, Involved And Connect With Older People | This resource from The Good Practice Mentors Partnership will support your work with engaging with ageing communities

SEK Community Engagement Toolkit  | Social Enterprise Kent produced this resource to aid in planning, developing, and engaging with a diverse range of communities.

Designing and Running Public Consultation Events | This toolkit was created as part of the Amplified project run by YoungMinds and commissioned by NHS England.

Single Homeless Project Co-Production Toolkit | Single Homeless Project created this toolkit to engage with co-production for people with multiple disadvantage.

Communication Tools

Resources on communication tools, including digital communication, influencing, and more.

NLCF HEG Developing Your Communications  | For this resource pack, the Community Fund Innovation Unit have gathered a range of useful toolkits, guides and content to support Health Equalities Grantees (HEG) to communicate with others about your work.

Boost Your Personal Influence And Impact  | A resource outlining tools discussed in a workshop run by The National Council for Voluntary Organisations. Use this resource to support your work in advocacy and influence.

VCSS Camp 10 Capturing Conversations | Notes from an engagement session led by Super Highway which harnesses technology for the benefit of communities.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Resources to support the VCSE in engaging with diverse populations such as global majority groups, communities experiencing homelessness, children and young people, and aging communities.

Healthy Communities Together Evaluation Interim Report  | This is the interim report for the evaluation of the Healthy Communities Together (HCT) programme.  The evaluation began in January 2023 and will continue until June 2025. This executive summary sets out the key findings from Year 1 of the evaluation.

London Anti Racism Collaboration For Health (LARCH) Update (November 2023) | This resource provides a framework for collaborating with partners and communities by practicing Anti-Racism.

Co-production: resources to support anti-racist transformation projects | A collection of anti-racist resources compiled by the London Anti-Racism Collaboration for Health.

Toolkit for BAME Participation in Research | This Toolkit aims to capture such best practice and provide researchers with a framework on how to improve the participation of BAME groups in research.

NHS England » A National Framework For NHS – Action On Inclusion Health | Use this framework to plan, develop and improve health services to meet the needs of people in inclusion health groups.

Ageing Better Engaging Global Majority Populations | This paper focuses on our learning from Ageing Better in relation to working and 
engaging with Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities.

Understanding LGBTQ+ Mental Health |  Factsheet from London Friend to understand the issues and services related to LGBTQ+ mental health. 

SOGI Campaigns | This site is dedicated to all who want to make a change in the world towards more acceptance and equality for people who don’t fit the traditional patterns.

Greenwich Council SEND Strategy 2024 - 2029 | The Royal Borough of Greenwich in conjunction with partners, parents and young people has today launched a new five-year partnership strategy aimed at enhancing the lives of children and young people with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

Disability Inclusion Toolkit | The toolkit includes introductory disability definitions and language guidelines, in addition to guidance on creating accessible in-person and virtual events, social media, and disability inclusive employment practices from recruitment to retention.

Islamic Faith Settings Toolkit | This Muslim toolkit seeks to explore the health inequalities experienced within Birmingham in the context of the Islamic faith, but can be applied to London's Muslim communities. 

Strengthening Resilience with London's Faith Communities | London Plus and The London Boroughs Faith Network provide this resource on actions to build community resilience in partnership with faith leaders.